Inspire Your Spirit

Blessings and Obedience.

When were younger our parents taught us how to be polite, to say yes mame and no mame, yes sir, no sir, please, thank you, everything that’s wrapped up in mannerisum. We would go to church whether we wanted to or not, and we didn’t complain to our parents or sass back. If we did we knew for sure that there would be concequences and repercussions behind it. Children were taught to stay in their places, and that were to respect their elders.

Now, as we have grown older, it is our time to be the parent, and we’re learning that being a parent wasn’t an easy task. Oh sure, they made all the rules, but we were the ones who had to carry them out. Even our parents had rules, and chores that they did amist themselves, we just didn’t realize it back then, we just saw them as our parents with rules and regulations, and blessings.

Well that’s how God is. God has rules and regulations that will guide us to be more Christ like in giving, our living and lifestyles. He is our Father, and we are his children. In the book of Deuteronomy 24:1-14, He also offers, and gives us different awards from him by just simply following his word through his guide, (the Bible) for our everyday lives. It’s simply up to us if we to receive the reward of blessings by actions in Word and Deed. The choice is soley up to us!

Blessing God and Being Obedient to him .God’s Word also comes with Promises. The Bible tells us that obedience is better than sacrifce, in 1 Samuel 15:22.  If we live this assumption, and it is accurate, what have you done recently to know that you are walking towards the promises of God?
